使用的mysql版本:mysql4.0.X master: slave: 如果是win机子修改c:\winnt\my.ini 如果是linux的机子请修改 /etc/my.cnf 一、master操作 1、修改my.ini ############## server-id=1 log-bin=c:\mysql\logs\mysql_binary_log binlog-do-db=test binlog-ignore-db=mysql # ...
MYSQL升级导致的”Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server”
Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; 所有安装Mysql4.1以上版本的用户请看本条!!!!!!!!! Mysql 4.1及以上版本使用了新的密码算法,而PHP不支持新算法,因此在新增用户后,还需要用下面的方法解决PHP无法连接登录Mysql的问题: (其中some_user,some_host,newpwd分别是您数据库的 ...
// 建立一个指向新COM组件的索引
$word = new COM(”word.application”) or die(”Can’t start Word!”);
// 显示目前正在使用的Word的版本号
//echo “Loading Word, v. {$word->Version}
// 把它的可见性设置为0(假),如果要使它在最前端打开,使用1(真)
// to open the application in the forefront, use 1 (true)
//$word->Visible = 0;//打?一个文档
//读取文档内容$test= $word->ActiveDocument->content->Text;
echo $test;
echo “
$test=str_replace(”<{变量}>”,”这是变量”,$test);echo $test;
// 在新文档中添加文字
// 关闭与COM组件之间的连接
]]>PHP代码- /*
- * 功能:PHP图片水印 (水印支持图片或文字)
- * 参数:
- * $groundImage 背景图片,即需要加水印的图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式;
- * $waterPos 水印位置,有10种状态,0为随机位置;
- * 1为顶端居左,2为顶端居中,3为顶端居右;
- * 4为中部居左,5为中部居中,6为中部居右;
- * 7为底端居左,8为底端居中,9为底端居右;
- * $waterImage 图片水印,即作为水印的图片,暂只支持GIF,JPG,PNG格式;
- * $waterText 文字水印,即把文字作为为水印,支持ASCII码,不支持中文;
- * $textFont 文字大小,值为1、2、3、4或5,默认为5;
- * $textColor 文字颜色,值为十六进制颜色值,默认为#FF0000(红色);
- *
- * 注意:Support GD 2.0,Support FreeType、GIF Read、GIF Create、JPG 、PNG
- * $waterImage 和 $waterText 最好不要同时使用,选其中之一即可,优先使用 $waterImage。
- * 当$waterImage有效时,参数$waterString、$stringFont、$stringColor均不生效。
- * 加水印后的图片的文件名和 $groundImage 一样。
- * 作者:longware @ 2004-11-3 14:15:13
- */
- function imageWaterMark($groundImage,$waterPos=0,$waterImage=”“,$waterText=””,$textFont=5,$textColor=”#FF0000″)
- {
- $isWaterImage = FALSE;
- $formatMsg = “暂不支持该文件格式,请用图片处理软件将图片转换为GIF、JPG、PNG格式。”;
- //读取水印文件
- if(!emptyempty($waterImage) && file_exists($waterImage))
- {
- $isWaterImage = TRUE;
- $water_info = getimagesize($waterImage);
- $water_w = $water_info[0];//取得水印图片的宽
- $water_h = $water_info[1];//取得水印图片的高
- switch($water_info[2])//取得水印图片的格式
- {
- case 1:$water_im = imagecreatefromgif($waterImage);break;
- case 2:$water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($waterImage);break;
- case 3:$water_im = imagecreatefrompng($waterImage);break;
- default:die($formatMsg);
- }
- }
- //读取背景图片
- if(!emptyempty($groundImage) && file_exists($groundImage))
- {
- $ground_info = getimagesize($groundImage);
- $ground_w = $ground_info[0];//取得背景图片的宽
- $ground_h = $ground_info[1];//取得背景图片的高
- switch($ground_info[2])//取得背景图片的格式
- {
- case 1:$ground_im = imagecreatefromgif($groundImage);break;
- case 2:$ground_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($groundImage);break;
- case 3:$ground_im = imagecreatefrompng($groundImage);break;
- default:die($formatMsg);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- die(”需要加水印的图片不存在!”);
- }
- //水印位置
- if($isWaterImage)//图片水印
- {
- $w = $water_w;
- $h = $water_h;
- $label = “图片的”;
- }
- else//文字水印
- {
- $temp = imagettfbbox(ceil($textFont*5),0,”./cour.ttf”,$waterText);//取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围
- $w = $temp[2] – $temp[6];
- $h = $temp[3] – $temp[7];
- unset($temp);
- $label = “文字区域”;
- }
- if( ($ground_w<$w) || ($ground_h<$h) )
- {
- echo “需要加水印的图片的长度或宽度比水印”.$label.”还小,无法生成水印!”;
- return;
- }
- switch($waterPos)
- {
- case 0://随机
- $posX = rand(0,($ground_w – $w));
- $posY = rand(0,($ground_h – $h));
- break;
- case 1://1为顶端居左
- $posX = 0;
- $posY = 0;
- break;
- case 2://2为顶端居中
- $posX = ($ground_w – $w) / 2;
- $posY = 0;
- break;
- case 3://3为顶端居右
- $posX = $ground_w – $w;
- $posY = 0;
- break;
- case 4://4为中部居左
- $posX = 0;
- $posY = ($ground_h – $h) / 2;
- break;
- case 5://5为中部居中
- $posX = ($ground_w – $w) / 2;
- $posY = ($ground_h – $h) / 2;
- break;
- case 6://6为中部居右
- $posX = $ground_w – $w;
- $posY = ($ground_h – $h) / 2;
- break;
- case 7://7为底端居左
- $posX = 0;
- $posY = $ground_h – $h;
- break;
- case 8://8为底端居中
- $posX = ($ground_w – $w) / 2;
- $posY = $ground_h – $h;
- break;
- case 9://9为底端居右
- $posX = $ground_w – $w;
- $posY = $ground_h – $h;
- break;
- default://随机
- $posX = rand(0,($ground_w – $w));
- $posY = rand(0,($ground_h – $h));
- break;
- }
- //设定图像的混色模式
- imagealphablending($ground_im, true);
- if($isWaterImage)//图片水印
- {
- imagecopy($ground_im, $water_im, $posX, $posY, 0, 0, $water_w,$water_h);//拷贝水印到目标文件
- }
- else//文字水印
- {
- if( !emptyempty($textColor) && (strlen($textColor)==7) )
- {
- $R = hexdec(substr($textColor,1,2));
- $G = hexdec(substr($textColor,3,2));
- $B = hexdec(substr($textColor,5));
- }
- else
- {
- die(”水印文字颜色格式不正确!”);
- }
- imagestring ( $ground_im, $textFont, $posX, $posY, $waterText, imagecolorallocate($ground_im, $R, $G, $B));
- }
- //生成水印后的图片
- @unlink($groundImage);
- switch($ground_info[2])//取得背景图片的格式
- {
- case 1:imagegif($ground_im,$groundImage);break;
- case 2:imagejpeg($ground_im,$groundImage);break;
- case 3:imagepng($ground_im,$groundImage);break;
- default:die($errorMsg);
- }
- //释放内存
- if(isset($water_info)) unset($water_info);
- if(isset($water_im)) imagedestroy($water_im);
- unset($ground_info);
- imagedestroy($ground_im);
- }
- //—————————————————————————————
- $id=$_REQUEST[’id’];
- $num = count($_FILES[’userfile’][’name’]);
- print_r($_FILES[’userfile’]);
- print_r($_FILES[’userfile’][’name’]);
- echo $num;
- echo “
”; - if(isset($id)){
- for($i=0;$i<$id;$i++){
- if(isset($_FILES) && !emptyempty($_FILES[’userfile’]) && $_FILES[’userfile’][’size’]>0)
- {
- $uploadfile = “./”.time().”_”.$_FILES[’userfile’][name][$i];
- echo “
”; - echo $uploadfile;
- if (copy($_FILES[’userfile’][’tmp_name’][$i], $uploadfile))
- {
- echo “OK
”; - //文字水印
- //imageWaterMark($uploadfile,5,””,”HTTP://www.lvye.info”,5,”#cccccc“);
- //图片水印
- $waterImage=”logo_ok1.gif”;//水印图片路径
- imageWaterMark($uploadfile,9,$waterImage);
- echo “
$uploadfile.”\” border=\”0\”>”;
- }
- else
- {
- echo “Fail
”; - }
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- for($a=0;$a<$id;$a++){
- echo “文件:
”; - }
- ?>